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🔋 PowerUps & Interfaces


SuperNodes has been deprecated and superseded by Chickensoft's Introspection system.

PowerUps can implement interfaces on behalf of a SuperNode.

Whenever a SuperNode applies a PowerUp, the SuperNode implements any interfaces that the PowerUp had also implemented.

namespace ImplementedInterfaceExample;

using System.Diagnostics;
using Godot;
using SuperNodes.Types;

public partial class MySuperNode : Node {
public override partial void _Notification(int what);

public void OnReady()
=> Debug.Assert(
this is IMyPowerUp, "MySuperNode should implement IMyPowerUp"

public interface IMyPowerUp { }

public class MyPowerUp : IMyPowerUp { }

At compile-time, SuperNodes will generate an implementation of MySuperNode with the contents of the PowerUp applied, including all of the interfaces that the PowerUp implements!

// ImplementedInterfaceExample.MySuperNode_MyPowerUp.g.cs
#nullable enable
using Godot;
using SuperNodes.Types;

namespace ImplementedInterfaceExample {
partial class MySuperNode : global::ImplementedInterfaceExample.IMyPowerUp
#nullable disable